
International. Young. Connections.

Hey you!

Are you...

  • Interested in international networking in up to 16 different countries?
  • Interested in getting to know new cultures?
  • Interested in being part of something bigger?

If this is you, take the chance and be part of our organisation – be part of the youthHANSA!

youthHansa Logo_klein

Since 1998, young people between the age of 16 and 26 get the chance to be part of the world´s biggest city network. Hereby, they are regularly sent as delegates to the International Hanseatic Day. There, together with mayors and other representatives of the cities, we form the modern Hansa.

The Hanseatic Day is the highlight of our organisation where we – based on an open minded and non-political exchange – participate and contribute to our own program come together at the Hanseatic Day to participate in and contribute to the highlight of our organisation.

During these days we take part in a program which differs each year, but always focuses on the values of cooperation, freedom, culture and tolerance.

As an autonomous organ of THE HANSA, we have our own statutes which are fixed in our bylaws. They contain topics such as our official language. In contrast to the rest of THE HANSA it is not German, but English.

At our annual assembly of delegates we discuss our progress and the future direction our ship will sail.

During our events, friendships are built and ideas are collected on how our network can grow.

Take a look on our Instagram page for current activities all over Europe!

youthHansa - THE HANSA of tomorrow!

youthHansa - the youth organisation of THE HANSA - has existed since 1998. The aim is to make young people aware of the Hanseatic heritage and to enable international and intercultural exchange between them. The young delegates take part in the International Hanseatic Day and develop projects that make an important contribution to international understanding.

The youthHansa Commission

The youthHansa Commission is made up of five young people with equal voting rights and duties who represent the youthHansa outside the Hansa Days and coordinate activities. There is no chairperson, but a spokesperson who represents the youthHansa in delegates' meetings and commission meetings of THE HANSA as well as on official occasions. The youthHansa Commission was last elected at the Hanseatic Day 2022 in Neuss. The elected delegates are members of the commission until the next election at the Hanseatic Day 2025.

Your commission 2022 - 2024

Muriel Fauth (Lüneburg)

Social Media (Instagram)
Sustainability, participation in the "Sustainable Hansa" working group

Martine Soepenberg (Zwolle)

Internal Communications
Sustainability, participation in the "Sustainable Hansa" working group
Contact person for the Dutch yH

Mika Pater (Deventer)

Contact person for the Hanseatic Day
Contact person for the Dutch YH

Malte Senger (Lemgo)

Contact person Fair Trade, participation in the "Fair Hansa" working group
Contact person Westphalian YH

Rachid Hamdaoui (Neuss)

YH speaker

Contact person Hanseatic Office / website
Representation of the network / external communications
Contact person Rhenish YH

The youthHansa delegates

Being part of the youthHansa means to get the chance to participate actively in our program, as well as in discussions, decision making, and to be willing to build connection to new people. Therefore you need to live in a Hanseatic city, be at least 16 years old and confident in speaking English.

Are you interested? 
How to: Become a youthHansa delegate
There are different ways the cities are handling the application process. Just ask the Hansa Manager or the Office for Public Affairs of your Hanseatic city for further information.

What's up?

Cross-border cooperation and the youthHansa discussed in a bilingual podcast

In preparation for the 44th International Hanseatic Days, which will take place in Gdansk from 13 to 16 June 2024, Martine Soepenberg (Hanseatic City of Zwolle) and Pepijn Velthuis (Hanseatic City of Oldenzaal) as members of the Dutch YouthHansa and Julius Lobe (Hanseatic City of Lübeck) as a member of the German YouthHansa were guests on the German-Dutch EUREGIO Stampodcast, which is part of EUREGIO Youth.

Learn more
EU-Regio-Podcast-Youth-Hansa © Youth Hansa

Youth Hansa "Mini-Hansetag" in Beverley

On 4 April 2024 it was a big day for both the Youth Hansa and the Hanseatic City of Beverley alike. Nine delegates from the Dutch and Rhenish Youth Hansa arrived to join 8 Youth Hansa delegates from Beverley to partake in a couple of days which were full of activities about Beverley and the surrounding area. This event was called ‘The Mini-Hansetag’ and it was the first time such an event had taken place in Great Britain. Obviously, it was a very special occasion that was of course celebrated thoroughly.

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Group photo in front of the friary © Youth Hansa

Youth Hansa Day in Oldenzaal

On 13 April, the Oldenzaal Youth Hansa Day took place on the initiative of the Oldenzaal Youth Council. More than 20 youth delegates from the Netherlands and Germany participated in the event.

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Titelfoto YH Day Oldenzaal

Establishment of the Dutch Youth Hanse Association

The signatures have been put down, and the Dutch Youth Hanse is now officially an association. It was founded in Oldenzaal on Thursday, March 7, 2024. The association aims to stimulate contacts between young people in Hanseatic cities nationally and across Europe.

Learn more
Launch of Dutch Youth Hansa

YouthHansa: Peace of Harderwijk

The Harderwijk Peace Treaty from 1446 always remains topical.35 young people from various Hanseatic cities from the Netherlands and Germany gathered in Harderwijk to discuss peace and freedom and what we can do ourselves to promote peace in our own cities. 

Learn more
Harderwijk YH ©Irina Faber

Deventer Youth Hansa Day

On Friday 22nd and Saturday 23th of September the Deventer (Youth) Hanseatic Days took place. Young people from the Dutch and Rhenish Hanseatic cities got the chance to discover one of the most beautiful Hanseatic cities: Deventer. The event was organised by our YouthHansa delegates Silke Zeeuwen and Mika Pater, both from the city of Deventer.

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Youth Hansa Day Deventer title image

Youth Hansa @ Hanseatic Day

Hanseatic Day in Gdansk 2024

From 13 to 16 June, youthHansa took part in the 44th International Hanseatic Day in Gdansk. 76 delegates from 36 Hanseatic cities from 10 countries took part in the programme, which this year focused on Gdansk's cultural heritage as a city of solidarity and change.

Learn more
02507 © Mateusz Filipski - Fundacja Gdańska

Hanseatic Day in Torun 2023

From June 22 to June 25, 2023, youthHansa participated in the 43rd International Hanseatic Day hosted in the enchanting city of Torun. With the participation of 85 delegates from 35 Hanseatic Cities across 7 countries, this year's program drew inspiration from Torun's legacy as a city of inventors and explorers.

Learn more
Youth Hansa Torun 2023_1

This is how you can reach us!

If you have questions about youthHansa, write an email to youthhansa@hanse.org.

We are also on Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook!